Developer Winstanley Enterprises plans to build the new 500,000-square foot building at 101 College St. It will mean more room to accommodate the region’s growing bioscience industry, which needs more lab, research and incubator space. The New Haven Development Commission approved the project at a special meeting on Wednesday. This money will help with the design and construction of tunnels, driveways and city sidewalk improvements associated with the development of the 101 College St. building. The $8 million will be provided in installments. The site is across from Alexion tower, and the new building will be built over the Route 34 corridor. The new bioscience tower is expected to create some 1,000 construction jobs, and between 700 and 1,000 permanent jobs, and would generate some $78 million in wages, according to Attorney Carolyn Kone, of Brenner, Saltzman & Wallman, which represented the developer in the application.