Manchester reallocates $2.5 million in soon-to-expire ARPA funds, with $1 million to new library

Officials will shift some $2.5 million in expiring American Rescue Plan Act funds to projects like the new library and park expansions to avoid having to refund the federal government. Town Manager Steve Stephanou said at a meeting Tuesday night that while Manchester must encumber all of the $25 million from ARPA by the end of the year, the town has until Dec. 31, 2026 to spend it. Allocated but unused ARPA funds listed in the memo include $850,000 for school repurposing plans, just under $300,000 for a business investment grant program, and $200,000 each for office renovations and land acquisition related to recreational trails. Town staff proposed a plan to re-purpose the $2.5 million by allocating $1.06 million to construction of the town’s new Main Street library, $850,000 to the expansion of Charter Oak Park, $500,000 for work at the Union Pond Dam, and just under $80,000 as contingency, with the remaining $39,000 going towards assistance programs and Senior Center improvements.

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