If all goes as planned, direct access in both directions from Interstate 95 to Route 1 in Stratford, just south of Milford, will be done in time for the Independence Day weekend two years from now. Work to construct a full interchange at Exit 33 off Interstate 95 is scheduled to be completed July 5, 2022. In a June 22 email, Michael P. Downes, chief of staff to Hoydick, wrote that the Exit 33 interchange has several benefits. The state Department of Transportation awarded the contract on Sept. 4, 2019, to Empire Paving of a North Haven, a general contractor, which had the low bid of $28,857,928. According to DOT documents, six companies bid on the project. The next lowest bidder was Middlesex Corp. with a bid of $30,567,829. The highest bidder was O&G Industries with a bid of $43,526,048. The project is funded with 80 percent federal funding and 20 percent state funding.