A vacant plot near Lake Whitney soon could be home to an apartment building with retail space in a deal that gives the developer a tax break while also setting workforce requirements aimed to promote diversity and ensure Hamden residents get construction jobs. A $5.3 million investment, it would offer 30 upper-level apartments and four first-floor retail spaces, a letter from Mayor Curt Balzano Leng to the council indicates. Stamford-based construction company USHS President Chris Downey said he hopes the project will be completed in a year-and-a-half. The Legislative Council recently approved the agreement, and USHS LLC, was to sign off Friday, according to Eatman,. As a result of a proposal from Councilwoman Dominique Baez, the town also is requiring the developer “provide evidence of best efforts” to give at least 10 percent of its on-site construction hours to Hamden residents, 6.9 percent to women and 17 percent to men of color, according to the contract language. While the diversity goals were included in the contract that went to the Legislative Council, Baez said she got an added provision passed that will help the town enforce those standards by requiring the site owner to provide evidence to the Economic Development Commission on a monthly basis.