Newington Public Schools and the Town of Newington are planning a fall referendum for the proposed $35.5 million project, to renovate the school as new. Officials have applied for a school building grant from the state of Connecticut, to cover more than half of the estimated cost. Built in 1954 as Northwest Elementary, the Anna Reynolds facility is not in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Despite temporary repairs to ensure its safety, the 65,269 sq. ft. structure has a failing roof and inefficient, outdated plumbing, electrical and HVAC systems, as indicated by the results of a building needs study. The town agreed to prioritize the project. Building committee meetings have been ongoing and Colliers International was hired as construction manager in the spring. Construction would commence as soon as summer 2021, for an expected completion by Dec. 2022. School would remain in session while renovations are underway.