“The U.S. has become a powerhouse in energy,” he said. “Ten to 20 years ago, the U.S. was importing oil and gas, and it doesn’t have to now.” New oil and gas technology has made that possible, he added, making the U.S. more energy-independent and turning the country into a major exporter of LNG. “Another [sector] where there are huge opportunities is in airport construction,” he said. “Every international airport has billion-dollar expansions being planned. They’re all over the place.” The biggest in the U.S., he added, is the $13 billion overhaul of John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City. So, what about a slowdown? Despite many contractors reporting that they’re busier than ever and struggling to meet schedule and staffing demands, industry chatter is pointing toward a slowdown in activity sometime in the next 12 to 18 months.