Danbury Officials Push $49M Bond for Firehouse, Road Repairs and Police Tech

Calling it “critical” and long overdue, Danbury Mayor Roberto Alves and other city officials are urging residents to approve a $49 million bond package to pay for a new firehouse, technology for the police department, and a citywide road reconstruction program. Following a public hearing, the Town Council voted unanimously on Monday to authorize the bond and to place the bond package on referendum for Nov. 5. If approved in referendum, the new firehouse planned off Mill Plain Road on the city’s west side, will cost between $18 million and $22 million. Local leaders said work would then begin on the city’s roads with most of the remaining bond money. The bond package will also pay for a major overhaul of the city’s roads.

Danbury Officials Push $49M Bond for Firehouse, Road Repairs and Police Tech

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