CTDOT to discuss future of transit and transportation in CT. ‘So much is changing,’ officials say

The CTDOT is hosting the inaugural 2025 Transportation Showcase on April 1 at the Connecticut Science Center in Hartford. The two-hour event is free to the public and starts at 8 a.m. The discussions will be about everything involving transportation in the state and will include a panel including Marian Andoh-Clarke, the Hartford Chamber of Commerce’s director of small business development, CTDOT commissioner Garrett Eucalitto, Capital Region Council of Governments executive director Matt Hart and the Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate director of resilience planning John Truscinski. Arthur Guzzetti, the American Public Transportation Association’s vice president of mobility and public policy, will be the keynote speaker. Registration and breakfast are from 8 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. The keynote speaker and panel will follow. The panel will be moderated by WNPR’s ‘Where We Live’ host Catherine Shen and the showcase will appear on a future episode.

CTDOT to discuss future of transit and transportation in CT. ‘So much is changing,’ officials say

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