CT Supreme Court to hear land use lawsuits against Stamford’s Board of Representatives

Board of Representatives Attorney Patricia Sullivan of Cohen & Wolf said that the cases, one involving a potential Life Time Fitness gym and the other about a parcel in the South End, will skip the appellate courts. Instead, Connecticut’s top legal authority opted to hear arguments during its next session, which starts Sept. 7 and runs until Sept. 17. In both cases, the Board of Representatives backed resident-led petitions against developers looking for a variance to build denser buildings than the statutes allowed, something neighbors claimed would erode the character of their neighborhoods. And in both cases, real estate firm George Comfort & Sons and developer Building and Land Technology respectively argued that the representatives lacked the authority to acknowledge and act on the petitions. Even though the legal challenges are still pending, the Zoning Board in November 2020 approved a high-rise for the Woodland Avenue parcel. The proposed building would be 25 stories at its tallest point. If the state Supreme Court agrees with the lower courts, BLT can move forward with construction.


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