CT contracting watchdogs asked not to talk without director’s OK

An appointee of Gov. Ned Lamont is proposing that Connecticut’s contracting watchdog panel not publicly discuss its work — which includes investigations of Executive Branch agencies — without clearing it with him. The contracting board, which grew out of the scandal that ultimately sent former Gov. John G. Rowland to federal prison, performs sensitive work. The language restricting the communication of board members, he said, was meant to ensure the board was not sharing confidential information that it comes into possession of. In hindsight, Daniels said the sentence that would block board members from engaging in “any communication” without the permission of the executive director was overly broad. Daniels said he and the staff had “no intent” to limit communications by the board with members of the media or the public.

CT contracting watchdogs asked not to talk without director’s OK

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