Controversial Ledyard quarry plan getting another look

Gales Ferry Intermodal’s third submission of its quarry proposal, which addresses some of the concerns residents expressed in a series of public hearings last winter that brought out as many as 200 people each time will be heard Sept 12 at 6 p.m. at Ledyard Middle School. The new proposal offers some financial incentives to the town, 25 cents per cubic yard of material extracted from the site as “payment in lieu of taxes.” The plan didn’t estimate how much money the town would likely accrue from the operation, or over what time period. Opponents of the resubmitted project, including members of the community group Citizens Alliance for Land Use, have argued that any monetary offer from Gales Ferry Intermodal is irrelevant when it comes to considering the quarry’s compliance with regulations. Other issues they say are left unaddressed include the loss of property value and the impact of stormwater runoff. Backers say the quarry is necessary to supply the needs of the offshore wind industry, among others operations that require gravel.

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