Centre Square Village, bringing retail, apartments along North Main Street in Bristol, set to break ground next spring

Centre Square Village, bringing retail, apartments along North Main Street in Bristol, set to break ground next spring

Centre Square Village, as By Carrier has called the structures, will extend north from the eastern corner of Hope Street and North Main Street, to border the nearby McDonald’s. Although recent plans were changed, city partnership with By Carrier has sought to add an additional floor and the redesigning of buildings to allow for more parking, more apartment space and a further streamlined approach to the proposed building plans in hopes of shortened build time. What was once slated to be a three-building project is now two. Between the two buildings, around 104 apartment units are planned, an increase from the original 88. Buildings will be four stories tall with one fifth story tower on each building as part of a penthouse space. Around 8,260 square feet of retail space will be in each building on the ground floor. Each building will have a total of around 80,400 square feet of space, including the retail spaces. Each building will have 22 one-bedroom units, 22 two-bedroom units and eight three-bedroom units. As part of the new By Carrier development, parking ports and garages are anticipated to be added for resident use.


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