Connecticut municipalities are among more than 100 across the country that have been awarded Environmental Protection Agency grants to clean up brownfields to make them desirable properties for redevelopment. The state received $2.3 million for six projects out of $85.6 million distributed across the country, many of them for use in Opportunity Zones that can give developers tax advantages. In New Haven, the city will use $200,000 to continue its work over almost two decades to clean up properties along River Street, while in Middletown the funds will go to renovations along its riverfront that, among other things, will help create a recreational trail in the heart of the city. “Nothing is happening right now, but if you don’t have the information on costs” before a potential developer shows an interest, it could take months of delay for a potential deal. She said the projects later could qualify for state money. She said developers are continuing to inquire about coming to New Haven, despite the current uncertainty around the coronavirus pandemic’s economic implications.