The state Bond Commission is expected to vote next week on the $7 million needed to finish cleaning up the former Norwich Hospital property, four months after the General Assembly approved the funding on the eve of the state shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Once the property is cleaned, the town will transfer ownership to Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, which plans a major development with commercial, recreational, residential and retail elements. The General Assembly approved the grant on March 11 and Gov. Ned Lamont signed the bill two days later. Mohegan tribal leaders were preparing to receive proposed development plans for the 393-acre property when the coronavirus hit Connecticut and disrupted government and closed both Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods Resort casinos. If approved at the special Bond Commission teleconference meeting at 11 a.m. July 21, the $7 million would be provided through the state Department of Economic and Community Development and held in escrow to be used for pending remediation work “after a cost-efficient remediation plan is instituted,” the Bond Commission agenda states.