The Board of Selectmen unanimously agreed Wednesday it again would ask the Board of Finance to consider a request to bond an additional $2.17 million to complete plans to renovate the new public safety building after finance officials previously denied that request last month. The Board of Finance was tasked in July to approve or deny the additional $2.17 million allocation after the vision committee planning the building renovations had determined this spring it needed that much more to complete the project, on top of the $5 million voters had agreed at referendum to allocate in early 2019. Part of that $5 million covered the $2.77 million needed to purchase the former Honeywell building on West Main Street in spring 2019. Stating they felt the public should have a final say in a referendum, which would follow Board of Finance approval, selectmen also argued Wednesday against alternative plans for building anew, stating that would not be possible at the $7.2 million price point currently estimated to complete the proposed renovations.