City of Hartford scores another victory in court as judge clears way for development around Dunkin’ Donuts Park

City of Hartford scores another victory in court as judge clears way for development around Dunkin’ Donuts Park

The city moved swiftly in urging the courts to return control of the land around Dunkin’ Donuts Park to Hartford after a jury last month decided the city was justified in firing the previous builder of the ballpark and the surrounding area, known as Downtown North. The former development partners of Centerplan Construction Co. and DoNo Hartford plan to appeal the jury’s verdict and could oppose Moukawsher’s ruling that development should go forward on the land surrounding the park. The city argued that the jury’s verdict bolstered its contention that the firing of Centerplan Construction Co. and DoNo Hartford also meant the former development team no longer had rights to the leases on land around the ballpark. The leases were part of the original development agreement with the city and allowed Centerplan and DoNo to place liens on the properties during the court case.

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