South Norwalk School construction requires demolition of four buildings

The continuing construction at the site of the new South Norwalk School remains on schedule as contractors prepare to demolish four of the properties the city acquired to make way for the project. The $70 million-plus school is on track to open this fall and welcome pre-kindergarten through third grade students for the first academic year; in subsequent years, it will serve all elementary school students. The Norwalk school project has a maximum 60% reimbursement rate from the state. In his January state of the city address, Mayor Harry Rilling announced the fall opening for the new school building. That timeline still holds true, Lo said, but with at least 10 separate contractors on site, he said he won’t know until late April whether the work any of the project’s parts could cause a delay in opening the school on time. Regardless, Lo said the project is “progressing very well.” Part of that progress is the demolition of four properties the city acquired to make way for the new building for the South Norwalk School.

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