Low Bids Give Sewers a Boost in Old Lyme

The latest bids for installing sewers in the beach communities came in under budget, putting the project on track even as many residents continue to oppose the plans as both overpriced and unnecessary. The town has struggled for more than a decade to settle on a plan that would satisfy the state’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection at a cost that local residents on fixed incomes can afford. The town’s Water Pollution Control Authority is analyzing bids received in late February. The lowest was $8.7 million for the work in Sound View and Area B, less than the $9.5 million approved by referendum in 2019. The Old Colony Beach Club Association is also reviewing bids for its construction and the shared infrastructure for the project, which was below the amount authorized for bonding. The sewer project for the Miami Beach Association still has not received bids, and the Old Lyme Shores Beach Association has yet to request bids.

Low Bids Give Sewers a Boost in Old Lyme

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