Naugatuck seeks additional $3M grant to advance Industrial Park 3 development

The state awarded the borough a $3 million Community Investment Fund grant last year to advance the industrial park project – specifically the construction of infrastructure for the property at 280 Elm St. The borough is applying for another $3 million CIF grant to complete the road network for phase two of the subdivision of the 86.5-acre parcel. Lanxess Corp., a successor to Uniroyal, owned the site until it sold most of the land to the borough three years ago for $1 in a remediated condition with brownfield protection for all future purchasers. “Our entire effort in this project is designed to finish, get the site back on the tax rolls and take a nonproducing piece of property and turn into once again one of our better producing properties in the entire borough,” said Mayor N. Warren “Pete” Hess, the project manager at a Dec. 3 public information hearing at Town Hall. Lanxess has spent $20 to $30 million for remediation, while the borough’s obligation is to cap the site, manage the soils and develop the property under a stewardship permit, Hess said.

Naugatuck seeks additional $3M grant to advance Industrial Park 3 development

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