Wetlands applications submitted for massive Amazon warehouse proposal in Waterbury and Naugatuck

Following a lengthy due diligence review, Pennsylvania-based industrial real estate developer Bluewater Property Group is pushing ahead with plans for a massive robotic-assisted Amazon warehouse on a 183-acre site straddling Waterbury and Naugatuck. The wetlands applications are scheduled to be formally accepted for review by wetlands boards in Waterbury and Naugatuck this week, but these initial submissions are unlikely to spark much discussion or meet with approvals during the wetlands meetings in both communities this week. The applications are clear indicators that Bluewater has opted to push forward with development following a lengthy review. The original $2.5 million purchase agreement between Waterbury, Naugatuck and Bluewater required the developer to complete due diligence by last November. That deadline was extended by a year. Now, Bluewater is on a deadline to give notice of its intent to purchase the site in November and to complete the purchase in December.


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