Meriden to improve East Main and Broad Street intersection near Stop & Shop

The city could begin work next year to straighten out the disjointed intersection at East Main and Broad streets that will allow for safer crossings and improved traffic flow. The work moved forward a step after the City Council recently approved allowing acting City Manager Emily Holland to accept funding from the South Central Region Council of Governments to begin construction. It is estimated to cost $3.8 million with SCRCOG paying 100 percent of the construction costs and the city paying for the design work, city officials said. Because Route 5 is a state road, the work will be on both sides of East Main Street. The intersection was identified by SCRCOG as one of several along the Route 5 corridor in need of improvement to aid traffic and pedestrian safety. The Route 5 East Main Street intersection is among the top three noted for accidents, according to the study.

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