Buildings on the campus of the Torrington Company are coming down piece by piece to preserve historic elements for reuse. As of last Thursday, 21 of the 29 structures on the 14-acre property have been slowly razed. To keep the site contained, crews work inside a shell of walls and roadside edifices. Carbone estimates the demolition, which is slightly ahead of schedule, will be done sometime in July, he said. Next week, area homeowners will be notified as crews will be taking a wall near the edge of the site down and will be easing into a building behind it, so people will have to park on the other side of the street. One of the buildings that will stay is a small brick building housing a soil vapor extractor that pumps air into the soil to remove contaminants that come to the surface. There is not a brownfield there, though, the mitigation effort is a precaution, Carbone said. Behind another building is a unit that pumps groundwater for remediation purposes.