Fairfield residents pressure UI to refile transmission line project at town hall meeting

Town residents turned up the pressure on United Illuminating to withdraw and refile its application for a proposed project that could hang transmission lines as high as 145 feet high over homes and businesses. The electric utility company, which services the Bridgeport and New Haven areas, applied in March to rebuild its transmission lines with monopoles that would stand between 95 and 145 feet tall along the railroad tracks between Fairfield and Bridgeport and spill into nearly 20 miles of private property through easements. Public hearings before the Connecticut Siting Council, which considers UI’s application and allows intervening parties to testify and cross-examine “witnesses” representing UI, will end next month before a final decision in March. For a total reset, UI would need to withdraw and refile its application, restarting the timeline for affected property owners to research the project and prepare for the legal battle many hope will drive the transmission lines underground.


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