Greeneville, Stanton elementary schools: First step taken on $385M building project

A massive $385 million project to revamp Norwich’s school buildings moves a step closer. The Norwich City Council approved resolutions giving the Norwich Board of Education permission to apply to the state Department of Administrative Services for funding for three of the four elementary school projects – Greeneville, Stanton and Moriarty elementary schools. School Building Committee Chair Mark Bettencourt said the application for and the work on the Greeneville and Stanton school projects would be done first. Back in November, voters approved the city’s plans to spend a total of $385 million to discontinue use of all the existing elementary schools and build four large new ones, alongside turning the Samuel Huntington Elementary School into the new district office, and a remodel of Teachers Memorial Global Magnet Elementary School. The cost is $385 million, but the cost to the city was said to be only $149 million, after getting state grants.

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