West Hartford delays vote on housing development after receiving protest petition

After a public hearing that lasted just over six hours, the Town Council voted Tuesday to delay its decision on a proposed housing development in West Hartford Center. A valid protest petition, which requires signatures from 20 percent of landowners in the 500-foot radius impacted by the development, would trigger a supermajority voting requirement. The town’s corporation counsel, Dallas Dodge, recommended the town council delay its vote until Dec. 21 to allow town staff time to validate the petition signatures. The developer’s attorney, Robin Pearson of Alter & Pearson, responded to traffic concerns by saying that the developer would be open to installing traffic calming measures to help impacted neighborhoods. Pearson also added that any development, whether it’s theirs or another one, would add more traffic to the area. While the town’s Planning and Zoning Commission voted four to one to recommend approving the project, the town’s Design Review Advisory Committee voted four to one recommending the Town Council not approve the project. The Town Council will consider approval of the development at a special meeting Dec. 21 at 6:30 p.m.


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