As luxury apartments near Bridgeport groundbreaking, affordable units delayed

As Steelpointe’s Christoph family aims to break ground this fall on luxury apartments at the harbor-front East Side site, construction of the affordable units the developers are backing a few blocks away per their contract with the city is delayed. Now working with BNT as a consultant, Torres and BNT CEO Doris Latorre in a joint interview this week said they are aiming to submit a successful application for tax credits to the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority in January. If BNT obtains the tax break for the $14.3 million development, Torres said construction should be underway a year from now, with the units available by the end of 2024. But, Torres explained, the state aid is the main chunk of funding that will allow BNT to break ground. She said this year’s tax credit application was rejected because the project did not meet the state’s “really high sustainability and energy conservation priorities.”

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