$8M Bartlem Park expansion project on track for possible fall opening in Cheshire

Work continues on the Bartlem South Project —a nearly $8 million expansion of Cheshire’s Bartlem Park — and officials anticipate it to be completed in the fall or early winter of 2024. The master plan for the property, adopted in 2021, includes a Great Lawn and a bandshell to be used as a community-gathering place where concerts, movie nights and other events can be held. Site work and excavation for the site improvements started in March 2023 by DeRita & Sons Construction Co., and officials are hoping this phase of the project will be completed later this year, while acknowledging that significant work still lies ahead. The total cost of the project is $7.9 million, $2 million of which came from American Rescue Plan Act funds, as well as a credit of $81,000 to be used for the restroom facilities and $750,000 of additional state grants.


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